12 September 2022
Made in Nizhny: exhibition of all-terrain vehicles for the 100th anniversary of NSTU
Let's not grow old with Polytechnic!
On October 10, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the oldest higher educational institution in the country - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R. E. Alekseeva - an open-air exhibition opened. Samples of wheeled and tracked vehicles arrived at the main building of the university - models, the creation of which involved the centuries-old experience and scientific and technical potential of not only the polytechnic researchers, but also students and graduate students of the departments.
The research laboratory "Transport vehicles and transport-technological complexes", whose design developments form the basis of many decisions in the creation of all-terrain vehicle models at the All-Terrain Vehicles Plant, was represented by perhaps the most popular - tracked - model of the Uzola ZVM-2411 all-terrain vehicle.
Research Laboratory "Transport vehicles and transport-technological complexes" is one of the most famous and honored scientific and engineering schools with more than half a century of history. All-terrain vehicles of all model ranges: Uzola, Unzha, Ukhtysh, Veya, Siver, auger vehicles - have high consumer qualities, including the modern technical level of machine design, workmanship, reliability, durability, low operating costs. One of the basic principles embedded in the design of all these models is their maintainability, based on the broad unification of components with parts and assemblies of mass-produced vehicles from Russian manufacturers.
Next to Uzola there are other, no less interesting representatives of all-terrain vehicles, also created with the participation of polytechnicians.
Photos used from open Internet sources: LJ ligget-dukat , autoforum nn.ru